Complete Hunting Checklist: The Essentials & More

Hunting checklists come in handy more often than not. No one wants to be out on a hunt and the sun’s going down, you check your backpack… oops. It seems you have forgotten some of your gear.

Whether you’re in the middle of nowhere and forgotten your GPS, or it’s getting cold and forgotten your jacket, it’s probably better to be safe than sorry.

Here is a quick overview of what you will need on your next hunting trip:

How We Picked Our Checklist Items

How We Picked Our Checklist Items

As a seasoned veteran in hunting, I like to think that I know my stuff. Throughout the years, I have had the privilege of interacting and experiencing different situations and people. For whom, I learned a great deal. I asked around within the community about which products they recommend, and from which this list is made.

Hunting Checklist


What does the average person think of when someone mentions the word exploring? That’s right, binoculars. But these tools’ usefulness extends past just exploring, they can be used for hunting.

The perfect binoculars should have good magnification, lens quality, and field of view. This is so you don’t miss your game.

Our choice: Vortex Optics Crossfire

Rifle Scope

Riflescopes are more of an essential item on this checklist, that you can’t really do without. This is an addition to your weapon that decides whether you hit or miss your game. Often, you can use your rifle scope as a set of binoculars, ultimately saving you the cash.

But which scope should you choose from the endless list available, especially when they all fundamentally do the same thing? Well, sit back. After scrolling through many pages (and we mean many), we found what we believe to be the best rifle scope you can buy.

Our choice: Sig Sauer Buckmasters

Rifle Scope


After you buy all the items on this checklist, how are you planning on carrying them all? Backpacks have been around for as long as people have been needing to carry things places. And for the vast majority of us not hunting on an e-scooter (which has been a rising trend recently), you are going to have to use a backpack to lug around your tools.

The ideal backpack should be light (without anything inside), but still large enough. From my own personal experience, you are going to want to trust me when I say you do not want to choose a low-quality backpack; the rashes!

Our choice: AUMTISC Hunting-Backpack

hunting backpack

Knife Sharpener

When it comes to knife sharpeners, we found that it’s best to go with electric models. Yes, they may need their batteries recharged from time to time. BUT, they save you the hassle of carrying around a heavy knife sharpening brick around.

Our top choice for knife sharpeners was somewhat surprising. It wasn’t even designed for hunting! In preparation for writing this checklist, my wife and I tried it out on a hunt—and it worked great!

Our choice: Presto 08800

knife sharpener for hunting

Toilet Paper

All the other hunting products are camo, why shouldn’t the toilet paper be! Now, I know what you are thinking, what makes this toilet paper any different from the stuff you got in your home? Well, a few things actually.

This toilet paper was specifically designed with hunting in mind. In fact, the last time I used it on a hunt, my mates all wanted to use it! Other than being a great gag gift, it was made to be small and comfortable. What does this mean? 1 less large and heavy item you have to pack in your backpack.

Our choice: River’s Edge Biodegradable Toilet Paper

hunting toilet paper


Headlamps come in handy more often than not. Whether you realize it, or not—they are an essential hunting tool.

Alright, alright, alright. Let me give you an example, it’s 2 o’clock in the morning, and it’s pitch black. But wait, you need to take a dump… and you have no headlamp. This is a situation I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies.

But what distinguishes a headlamp from a regular flashlight? Why should you bother buying one? Well, we’ve found that if you are planning on staying outdoors for longer periods of time when it’s dark out, it just makes sense.

Our choice: Princeton Tec Vizz LED Headlamp

hunting headlamp


GPS’s are the type of tool that you don’t think you need… until you actually need one. And more often than not, when you need a GPS, you really need a GPS.

You don’t want to end up stuck, in the middle of who knows where. It’s never happened to me personally, but I prefer to stick to the safe side.

So far, the one I bought for myself, I have found to have everything I need, and more. No real negatives here. That’s why we are featuring it on this checklist.

Our choice: Garmin eTrex 32x

hunting GPS

Hand Warming Gloves

Holy smokes. You would not believe me when I tell you that these gloves have saved my life—on multiple occasions. The initial price I paid for these has paid itself off, many times over.

Let me explain, hand-warming gloves have been on my hunting checklist for a while. And, have got me through some of the harshest winters available. If you are planning on hunting in the summer, this may be less of an issue. But trust me when I say, the winters in Wisconsin can get mighty cold.

For relatives, we found this to be the perfect gift.

Our choice: ZIROCTD Battery Heated Gloves

Hand Warming Gloves for hunting


Come on, we all know what lighters do, and how they come in handy. What makes this lighter special is its bang-for-buck. If you haven’t yet got a lighter, or are looking to purchase one, we suggest you check out the Zippo Camo lighter.

We checked out many other available options, and it seems that this one is the cheapest, which still includes everything you would expect in a lighter.

Plus, this is the one I have personally, and I am pretty happy with it.

Our choice: Zippo Camo Lighters

lighter for hunting

Two Way Radio

Ahhh yes, radios. I remember playing with them as a child.

chsuuhh, over and out”, how many times I said that, I couldn’t tell you.

To get to the point, the SAMCOM offers long-range communication, a godsend if your parties splitting up. You can definitely feel the value with these. Many of the radios I’ve tried in the past (and yes, I have tried many) have sounded horrible. Sometimes, bad enough that I cant communicate with my partner. This radio seems to not have this problem—thank god, as I don’t think I can keep spending money on radios, haha.

What can you expect out of the SAMCOM? Well, we found that at its price point, it’s exceptional value. I couldn’t even find something to compare it to.

Our choice: SAMCOM Two Way Radios

Hunting Two Way Radio


What’s more basic than batteries? In case you haven’t been out camping/hunting and ran out of batteries, I’ll save you the trouble—you don’t want to be there.

Mum, Dad, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Aunt; everyone has batteries. The question is, do they work in a hunt?

“Well, of course, they do”, I can hear you saying. “Why shouldn’t they?”. You’ll be surprised to know that many regular batteries find sneaky ways to make you buy more, and more, and more.

Let’s take regular batteries as an example—the ones you would find in your local convenience store. Did you know that they have a shelf life? Yes, those batteries only last for a period of time, sometimes less than a few years. That throws any desire to bulk order out of the window.

But there’s hope! I think I genuinely found a good set of batteries—long-lasting, AA batteries. The button below will take you to them, and let us know if you have as great an experience with them, as we did.

Our choice: Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA Batteries

batteries for hunting

Hunting Gear Checklist

Elmer Fudd

Just like the aforementioned hand warming gloves, an Elmer Fudd does a great job at keeping the most important part of your body safe; your head.

If it’s just you, the forest, and your game, you can’t afford to waste energy lying there cold. You can’t afford to waste focus.

I found that an Elmer Fudd helps BIG TIME.

Our choice: Jeff & Aimy Unisex Winter Elmer Fudd

elmer fudd for hunting


No one wants to be there. Stepping through the mud, your pants drenched. What remains of your shoes and socks are ruined.

Any hunting enthusiast will have a good pair of boots. And no, I am not talking about your average pair of field boots—I am talking about high-quality, comfortable anti-blister MACHINE.

Does anyone remember what your hands felt like after the monkey bars when you were a kid? If you are hiking up mountains, or have to go any semi-long distance to shoot your game, we suggest you invest in a foot-friendly set of boots.

Our choice: 8 Fans Rubber Hunting Boots

hunting boots


Thermal socks are an item that isn’t needed by everyone. If you’re in a hot environment, sweat dripping down your skin—forget it, you probably don’t need these.

But anyone located in the north, you are going to thank me when you try these on.

These thermal socks combined with a good pair of hunting boots, make walking feel amazing.

Our choice: DG Hill Heat Trapping Thermal Socks

socks for hunting


Back when I used to participate in hunting tournaments or even today; you meet many new people. Some are more serious about hunting than others.

There are a few people in particular that would swear by rain suits—and I can’t say I disagree with them. No one want’s to be dripping wet; it’s miserable.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the rain, especially with a hot cup of cocoa in hand. But hunting in the rain is a totally different story.

To make the whole process more bearable, consider buying a rain suit, we have already picked the one we have found the be the best.

Our choice: TideWe Rain Suit

hunting rainwear

Orange Vest

Depending on where you live, you may or may not have to legally wear an orange vest while hunting.

Whether you legally do or don’t have to, we still highly suggest you do. Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between a hunter and a crazy man with a rifle.

Our choice: JKSafety Safety Vest

Hunting Orange Vest


And that brings us to the end of our hunting checklist.

I try to avoid long, drawn-out posts, but there were just so many items to cover.

That overview should provide you with a foundation to start hunting game. You should now be able to go hunt!


  • George Haynes

    George Haynes is a seasoned game hunter that loves to hunt deer! He started Huntic Critic as a way to express and share his passion for the sport. He identifies as an experienced hunter and looks to help readers with every-day problems they may have.

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